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Today's status can be summed up in a few words: it is HOT! 91 degrees and it "feels like" 94!  Thank goodness for the window unit a/c I have in my room.  As for the rest of my apartment, all I can say is—ugh it is hot as hell (excuse my language).  Last year, I spent half of the summer without a/c (which was horrible not only because I felt hot and sticky constantly, but also because I was covered in hives for a couple of weeks—that's a whole different story and made the heat pretty much unbearable!) so I had to get a little creative in my methods of staying cool. 


I'll start out with a story from earlier this summer in June when a heat wave decided to pass through the Chicago and I had not installed my a/c at that point.  I wanted to get some work done (read some articles, etc.)  So, given my love for coffee, a coffee shop was the first idea that came to mind.  However, I was sick of going to Starbucks and had vowed that this summer I would make it a goal to try independent coffee shops (i.e. not Starbucks or Caribou).  There was one I'd past a few times called Beans and Bagels, so that was the chosen "cool off" location.  I even called them to make sure they had a/c (a little ridiculous, I know) and they claimed they did.  Well, when I got there, it did not feel much better than my apartment!  As you can imagine, I was quite disappointed and still hot.  Point of my story?  Coffee shops are a great place to go to do some school work, talk with friends, listen to music or even watch a movie on your lap top when it is hot out, but be careful that you choose a place that actually has working a/c!


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