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It was suggested that I write do series on how to write a research paper. I will add a new step each week. Step 1: Choosing a Topic You cannot begin to write a research paper without a topic. Choosing a topic may seem like a simple task, but it is sometimes a complicated process. As undergraduates, you are typically assigned to write a review of the research in a particular area, such as psychological disorders or genetic diseases. Pick something that interests you! For some, writing papers is a tedious task. Picking an enjoyable topic rather than choosing an easy topic, such as one in which you know a lot of information exists (e.g. a topic the media covers regularly) may make the process more interesting. When you have no idea what topic to choose, talk to your professor/instructor or flip through your book to get an idea. Once you have chosen a general area as your focus (it could be as general as "depression" or "Huntington's disease"), perform a G...
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