Okay. Let's get to the actual stuff that will help you! I want to introduce a few quick and easy tricks to help you feel more relaxed over these last few weeks of the semester.
Do you have a good attitude? Is the glass half empty or half full?
We tend to feel more stressed when we have a negative attitude about events/situations in our lives. So, how can you improve your attitude?
Positive self-talk: Don't be so critical of yourself. It might sound silly, but it is helpful to talk to yourself as if you were a small child- give yourself a break! Don't tell yourself that you should have done better on that exam or I shouldn't have gone out last night. There is almost always a more rational/positive thought to replace your critical thought. For instance, take the thought "I shouldn't have gone out last night." Could you instead say, "I needed a break, so I went out to relax for a few hours. I will try to be productive today," ? When you notice yourself being overly self-critical, take a minute to think of an alternative, more positive thought to replace the criticism. You will feel better about yourself and feel less stressed as a result.
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